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  1. chubbylondon48

    chubbylondon48 Porn Surfer

    Jan 15, 2011
    Just wondering if any one loves having fun with chubby guys
  2. knoxvillainswife

    knoxvillainswife Porn Star

    Dec 12, 2010
    lol someone for everyone, personally i'm not interested unless their 200 lbs +, but that's just the way I like em took me years to figure it out. Some guys like skinny girls or chubby girls, the hard part is admitting what you want with the TV blaring that you have to be skinny.
  3. BigRedButton

    BigRedButton Porn Surfer

    Jan 23, 2011
    I dislike super skinny, but I have standards :p
  4. malummens

    malummens Sex Lover

    Dec 29, 2010
    I do, but then I just care about watching a person being pleased. I've noticed on this particular website if you post pictures of yourself and you are chubby 98% of the ppl here will encourage you to post more and tell you how much they like your pics, and many of them, like myself will get something from you posting your pics. Then's there's that 2% who make rude comments and try to discourage you.
    I'm not sure if that says anything about how many ppl here like chubby folks but like I said, for me, ppl are ppl, and if I can please a person sexually then it's all good for me, appearances have nothing to do with anything.
  5. christina2706

    christina2706 Dark Haired Beauty

    Mar 27, 2010
    I don't mind some extra weight but I don't have an exact number. My SO has gained about 30 lbs since we got together but I don't really notice because it's not that important to me. I like him for him, not his appearance.
  6. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    Hey Christina, if you don't mind a chubby, I have a chubby :)
  7. christina2706

    christina2706 Dark Haired Beauty

    Mar 27, 2010
    Don't I know.;)
  8. ladygodiva123

    ladygodiva123 Porn Star

    Dec 27, 2010
    This won't sound fair but that's the way it is. I'm a BBW. I weigh 200 lbs., size 18. I'm not attracted to chubby men for this reason. When women put on extra body fat, it feminizes them - bigger boobs, bigger butt, big soft belly. We get that fertility goddess shape:


    The thing is, extra body fat goes to the same places on men to different degrees. They also get bigger boobs, bigger butts, and big soft bellies. Well, I'm the one that's supposed to have titties, not my man. A big belly doesn't do a whole lot for showing off their "entertainment center" either. So I'm not especially attracted to large men. It may not be fair, but there it is. Oddly enough, I've never had a heavy boyfriend and I started putting on weight 20 years ago. My boyfriends have all been slim or muscular. But just like there are men that like women with a little or a lot of extra padding, I know that there are women that like big teddy bears.
  9. cyberpunk

    cyberpunk Amateur

    Jul 24, 2010
    A little chub turns me on, I can't stand six pack's in the guys I look at, they need a small spare tire at least, and don't even get me started with guys whose ribs you can see, it is just a turn off for me.

    I say that but then again it doesnt really matter, first impressions is when appearence matters, as long as I get to know you and get to know what is behind that appearance I think I could love any guy fat or skinny. I know that many people wouldn't ever take that approach, they have to have their eye candy. But to me size in the end, does not matter.
  10. narcissus1985

    narcissus1985 Sex Machine

    Sep 14, 2007
    watch out if your partner all of a sudden is concerned more about their appearance they get into working out and other stuff that's a sign of cheating.

    I'm a bit chubby right now at 5'10.5 210-215lbs I could lose 10-20 lbs if not more if I wanted to get super lean. I'm working on it now adding cardio after weight lifting and tweaking my diet a bit. My goal for the year is to lose 20lbs of fat and gain 20lbs of muscle. I'm already fairly muscular which is good because more muscle means you have a faster metabolism so it's easier to lean up when you have your diet and cardio in check.

    The thing is if you're overweight you lose size of your cock I think 30-40lbs is an inch or thereabouts. Then if the girl your with is overweight her fat can get in the way too.

    I don't mind women with some chub it but if their getting close to my my weight unless their like 6 feet tall that's a real turn off. Skinnier girls are better to look at but I find a bit more chub to be more fun, bed. I don't like really skinny women who look like twigs, some muscle in their glutes and thighs is really hot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2011
  11. indeedable

    indeedable Midget Pervette

    Nov 10, 2010
    I have fun with a chubby guy daily :excited:
  12. ladygodiva123

    ladygodiva123 Porn Star

    Dec 27, 2010
    Re: cocks losing size. You've got it backwards. The apparent size of the penis seems to grow because it's not being hidden by fat. It's not really changing size at all, it's just that more of it is visible. Some guys shave their pubic hair for the same reason. You can see more of the tree if you get rid of the forest.
  13. narcissus1985

    narcissus1985 Sex Machine

    Sep 14, 2007
    I understand regarding cock size it's just hidden or covered in fat not exposing all of it, so you're not actually growing or getting bigger you're just reaching your maximum potential in getting full penetration. In a sense losing fat gives the effect of your cock growing(even though it's not) that's all I was getting at I didn't have it backwards :)

    No doubt trimming or shaving pubes gives the appearance of a bigger dick because their is more open space.

    That's like bodybuilders say steroids will admit shrink their nuts while their using them but smaller potato's make the meat look bigger ;) hahaha