Inside Mugabe’s atrocities with documentary ‘Beatrice Mtetwa and The Rule of Law’
As Zimbabwe approaches general elections, a newly-released documentary on fearless attorney Beatrice Mtetwa and her defendants shows what happens when rulers place themselves above the law.

Directed by Peabody award winning American filmmaker Lorie Conway, the documentary ‘Beatrice Mtetwa and The Rule of Law’ highlights the appalling lack of the rule of law in Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe’s regime. In spite of beatings by the police, attorney Beatrice Mtetwa has courageously defended in court those jailed by the Mugabe government – peace activists, journalists, opposition candidates, farmers that had their land confiscated, ordinary citizens that had the courage to speak up. Although Mtetwa’s arena is Zimbabwe, her message and bravery are universal. Through interviews with Mtetwa and some of her defendants, the documentary tells the story of what happens when rulers place themselves above the law and why defence of the rule of law is a crucial step in the building of a civil society.
The director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project, Jestina Mukoko was abducted, tortured, and detained for 89 days. On her trial day she was taken to the courtroom in handcuffs and leg-irons. “I had done nothing wrong, but I was there, in front of my son, being paraded like a hard-core criminal. There are thousands of Zimbabweans who are also facing injustice and whose voices are unheard, and we need to amplify those voices,” she explains.
Members of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (Woza), have been arrested and jailed for demonstrating for human rights. 200 members were arrested on Valentine’s Day. Mtetwa defended them and “it was wonderful to see how she helped to bring alive the demonstration issues into the courtroom. And of course she won the case”, said Woza members Jenni Williams and Magadonga Mahlangu. “They will never take away the joy that for those moments, when we are in the street holding the placard, we are human beings enjoying freedom.” For Mtetwa, the arrest of one woman is equal to the arrest of all Zimbabwean women, since they all share the same aspirations: they call for basic education for their children, basic health facilities, clean running water, and affordable food prices.
Roy and Heather Bennett’s political activism led the government to illegally seize their farm. “They gathered all my workers, they took them to my house, and they started to beat them. After being elected to Parliament, Roy was arrested and imprisoned. “The few times I could have contact with the outside world was when Beatrice used to come and visit me. Beatrice had a huge impact on getting me out of there alive. If you want to sum up and understand what ‘hate’ means, just say Robert Mugabe. Because of his hatred he has completely destroyed the country, and the people. That’s what hate does to a country. It poisons it, it kills it. It breaks down the complete fabric of society and existence.”
Elias Mudzuri, a member of opposition party the Movement for Democratic Change, was elected Mayor of Harare. Within a year of his election he was arrested, jailed and driven out of office. Mudzuri’s wife says in the documentary, “I was arrested doing my work in the office, that’s when I realised that there was no justice. If they can’t get you, they will get the nearest thing that they know will hurt you deeply. His parents were the nearest target.”
Most of the media in Zimbabwe is controlled by the Mugabe regime; independent newspapers and journalists are targeted and prosecuted under laws that are selectively interpreted. Andrew Meldrum was the last foreign correspondent in Zimbabwe, he concentrated on the human rights abuses against black Zimbabweans, the political violence and the torture Mugabe’s agents were using against MDC supporters. He was charged with violating a newly-enacted law meant to make the practice of journalism illegal. “Unlike a lot of other dictators Robert Mugabe doesn’t just go out and do what he wants, first he goes to parliament and passes a law” that legitimises the government’s actions,” Mtetwa explains.
On March 17, 2013, one day after a new Constitution was passed in Zimbabwe, Mtetwa was arrested after she tried to prevent the police from illegally searching the office of a client. Beatrice spent the next eight days in prison. Upon her release she said, “The police were out to get me. They wanted me to feel their might and power because I call myself a human rights lawyer.”
Mtetwa staunchly believes that within her lifetime Zimbabwe’s judiciary will re-function normally and the rule of law will be restored. She and director Lorie Conway hope that the film will spark dialogue and change in Zimbabwe and throughout Africa, while also bringing the story of this inspiring woman to the attention of the rest of the world.
The DVD of this documentary will be distributed in South Africa, UK and several other countries. See http://ruleoflawfilmproject.com for updates.
You can watch the full documentary for a small fee here: http://vod.journeyman.tv/