QuiteFatty said:
I honestly don't really care. Most of the games I play fave a fixed story with fixed characters and honestly, I prefer that in some ways
It annoyed me to no end when they did this half step with Byleth in fire emblem three houses, he's kind of a avatar but he's his own character..? He barely talks, barely emotes, yeah it's part of the plot but he's a teacher interacting with all these students for 60 hours+ I'd like a little more personality in there. Robin was interesting in that he seemed very much a set character that you could customize and choose their partner with, but otherwise they love bear meat and studying tactics to the point of being oblivious to simple things around them.
LustyDude4U said:
It's very much an all or nothing kind of thing for me. If a game has character customization then I want as many options as possible, including many different clothes/armor to choose from while progressing through the game. Nothing annoys me more then when a game half-asses a character creating system and just gives you a handful of recoloring options and hair styles. At that point just give us one or two good designs for the player character(s) and put the dev time into something else.
Heavy agree, if you're gonna give me an avatar to play with, give me all the options; hair, clothes, skin color, name, etc etc.